SAE 10W/40
Product Specs
Product Code:
Fields of Application:
Pakelo Golden Diesel EVO SAE 10W/40 is a high performance lubricant recommended for the latest generation on-road and off-road Heavy Duty Diesel engines also working under severe conditions. The product satisfies the main OEMs’ performance levels and has been formulated for the requirements of new generation low emission Diesel engines. Furthermore, it can also be used in earlier generation Diesel engines. Pakelo Golden Diesel EVO SAE 10W/40 can be adopted to extend oil drain intervals, with respect of Constructors’ Recommendations and combined with a complete monitoring of oil in service through specific oil analyses. Please also follow recommended oil drain intervals to obtain maximum engine life.
Levels of Performance:
API CJ-4 / CI-4 PLUS / CI-4 / CH-4 / CG-4, API SN / SM, ACEA E9, MB 228.31, MAN M3575, Volvo VDS-4, Renault Trucks RLD-3, MTU Type 2.1, Mack EO-O Premium Plus, Caterpillar ECF-3 / ECF-2 / ECF-1a, Cummins CES 20.081, Detroit Diesel 93K218, Deutz DQC III-10LA.
Fully synthetic multigrade lubricant with MID S.A.P.S. technology (medium content of Sulphated Ash, Phosphorus, Sulphur) for Heavy Duty Diesel engines. Suitable also for the latest generation on-road and off-road Diesel engines.
Pakelo Golden Diesel EVO SAE 10W/40 is a multigrade fully synthetic lubricant, developed for latest generation Heavy Duty Diesel engines. It is suitable both for on-road and off-road Heavy Duty Diesel engines of main International OEMs. Thanks to its special additive package and to the selected synthetic base-stocks used (better than traditional Group I mineral base-stocks), Pakelo Golden Diesel EVO SAE 10W/40 satisfies the severe requests of American Specification API CJ-4 and European Specification ACEA E9. Furthermore, the product has been developed to satisfy other OEMs Specifications such as MB 228.31, Volvo VDS-4 and Caterpillar ECF-3 both for on and off-road Heavy Duty Diesel engines. In order to reduce polluting emissions International OEMs are using different combustion technologies and exhaust gas after-treatment devices (EGR, SCR, DPF, etc.).
For the reasons we just referred to, there was the need the formulate lubricants with a lower content of these elements (MID S.A.P.S.). This brought to use innovative chemistry and special almost sulphur free mineral base oil (Group II). MID S.A.P.S. lubricant technology is the main issue for the American Specification API CJ-4 and European Specification ACEA E9.
Several Diesel engines, in particular those adopting EGR system (Exhaust Gas Recirculation), show an increase of the produced soot when compared to standard Diesel engines without EGR. For this reason they require lubricants with increased anti-wear and soot handling performance. The Specification API CJ-4 and ACEA E9 were designed for testing suitable lubricants with high detergent and dispersant properties. Furthermore, lubricants that meet the API CJ-4 and ACEA E9 specifications provide better anti-oxidative and anti-wear properties, less viscosity loss in service, less deposits on pistons, and better soot thickening and corrosion control.
All these systems are very sensitive to the presence of some chemical elements that could also be found in lubricants of recent formulation. In particular the chemical elements that are considered to be harmful are:
- Sulphur: present in the additives and in solvent neutral base stocks;
- Phosphorus: generally bound to Zinc in order to give greater anti-oxidative and anti-wear protection;
- Sulphated Ash: mostly from detergent additives.
The particular formula of Pakelo Golden Diesel EVO SAE 10W/40 thus provides the following properties:
- MID S.A.P.S. (medium content of Sulphated Ash, Phosporus and Sulphur) technology;
- suitable for long drains; it enables Extended Service Interval;
- excellent low temperature properties: easy start-ups at very low temperatures to guarantee the lubricant action for all the engine moving parts right from the first working periods and to reduce to the minimum the hazards of wear expecially when comparing the product with SAE 15W/40 Viscosity Grade lubricants;
- higher thermal-oxidative stability also thanks to the synthetic base stocks used to formulate the product;
- HT-HS (High Temperature, High Shear) value optimized for severe and specific needs of modern Heavy Duty Diesel engines;
- low formation of lacquers and varnishes at low temperatures and in particular during stop-and-go service;
- low volatility of the product results into a very significant reduction of oil losses due to evaporation;
- very high detergent properties that guarantee cleanness performance and long drain intervals;
- excellent dispersant properties that guarantee a great control of sludge and oil thickening phenomena also in case of high presence of soot and deposits;
- excellent wear control in every working and ambient temperatures;
- good compatibility with gaskets;
- excellent pumpability at low temperatures of used oil too.