SAE 10W-40

Product Specs
Product Code:
Fields of Application:
Pakelo Goldenstar Ultra SAE 10W/40 is a high performance lubricant recommended for Heavy Duty Diesel engines also working under on-road and off-road severe conditions. The product satisfies the main OEMs’ performance levels. Pakelo Goldenstar Ultra SAE 10W/40 can be adopted to extend oil drain intervals, with respect of Constructors’ Recommendations and combined with a complete monitoring of oil in service through specific oil analyses.
Please also follow recommended oil drain intervals to obtain maximum engine life.
Levels of Performance:
ACEA E7 / E4, API CI-4, MB 228.5, MAN M3377 / M3277, Volvo VDS-3, Renault Trucks RXD / / RLD / RLD-2, MTU Type 3, Mack EO-N / EO-M Plus, Cummins CES 20.078 / CES 20.077, Deutz DQC IV-10, Caterpillar ECF-1a.
MB-Approval 228.5, MAN M3377 / M3277, MTU Type 3.
Very high performance synthetic lubricant for all latest generation Heavy Duty Diesel engines, and those equipped with EGR or SCR systems for the reduction of polluting emissions.
Pakelo Goldenstar Ultra SAE 10W/40 is a synthetic lubricant developed for Diesel engines of latest generation. It is a U.H.P.D.O. lubricant (Ultra High Performance Diesel Oil) and it is suitable for Heavy Duty Diesel engines of main world-wide Constructors: Mercedes-Benz, MAN, Volvo, Renault, MTU, etc. Thanks to its special additive package and the synthetic base oil used, Pakelo Goldenstar Ultra SAE 10W/40 satisfies nearly all main world-wide specifications for Heavy Duty Diesel Engines (i.e. trucks, buses, earth moving machines, etc.). The product also satisfies the severe American Specification API CI-4 and the European Specifications ACEA E7 and E4.
Such Performance within one single product means obtaining a key fundamental result that is necessary also to unify lubrication when engines have sometimes slightly different requirements. ACEA E4 and MB 228.5 Specifications have been developed in order to satisfy Recommendations from major OEMs and to slightly extend oil drain intervals. Such Specifications demand a lubricant with very high detergent properties so to keep the engine but in particular pistons and liners extremely clean. This technology often relies on a high content of ashes and thus sometimes contrasts with recommendations from low emission engines that normally produce bigger quantities of soot (responsible for wear). In this case lubricants need to provide high dispersancy in order to keep soot in suspension yet without affecting viscosity during operation.
To further improve the reduction of polluting emissions, mainly regarding the production of nitrogen oxides, recent specifications have been developed, such as the American API CI-4 and the European ACEA E7. One of the ways to reduce the production of nitrogen oxides is the adoption of the EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) system. Through the EGR system, part (sometimes also a large amount) of exhaust gas is made to re-circulate in the combustion chamber. Acid particulate matter, carbon and nitrogen oxides are thus re-introduced in the combustion chamber. Such particles, by absorbing heat, decrease the maximum temperature that can be reached in the combustion chamber and as a consequence of this the total NOXformation is reduced. As a side-effect there is an increase of the soot produced in the combustion chamber and this means to require a further improvement in performance to the lubricant. In fact, tests made with the same lubricant on the same engines, one with EGR, have highlighted higher wear increase due to soot in the engine with EGR system.
API CI-4 lubricants used in engines with EGR enable to have the same protection and reliability as in engines without EGR. That means when using API CI-4 lubricants for engineswithout EGR valve, there is higher protection compared to lubricants that have not been studied for this application. This guarantees longer life and cleanness of engine.
An alternative solution to reduce emissions is to use the SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) system. In this case ammonia generated from urea, that comes from a specific tank, is injected into the exhaust gas over the catalyst to reduce the NOX to water and molecular nitrogen. Sometimes the joint use of particulate traps allows further emissions reduction. The American Specification API CI-4 and the European Specification ACEA E7 were designed for testing suitable lubricants for this kind of engines. A new generation chemistry allows to obtain a product with suitable TBN (Total Base Number) and low ash content. In this way the lubricant is also compatible with the majority of after treatment devices. Having a product that can satisfy. ACEA E7, ACEA E4 and API CI-4 Specifications means providing a product with a very high technological content.
The particular formula of Pakelo Goldenstar Ultra SAE 10W/40 thus provides the following properties:
- excellent low temperature properties: easy start-ups at very low temperatures to guarantee the lubricant action for all the engine moving parts right from the first working periods and to reduce to the minimum the hazards of wear specially when comparing the product with SAE 15W/40 Viscosity Grade lubricants;
- very good thermal-oxidative stability at high working temperatures also thanks to the synthetic bases used;
- HT-HS (High Temperature, High Shear) valueoptimized for severe and specific needs of modern Heavy Duty Diesel engines;
- low formation of lacquers and varnishes that form at low temperatures specially during stop-and-go service;
- low volatility of the product results into a very significant reduction of oil losses due to evaporation;
- very high detergent properties that guarantee cleanness performance and long drain intervals;
- excellent wear control;
- good compatibility with gaskets;
- excellent pumpability at low temperatures of used oil too.