ISO 32

Product Specs
Product Code:
Fields of Application:
Pakelo Hydraulic Synt H-0 ISO 32 satisfies a wide range of applications, in terms of types of pumps (vane, gear, piston pumps, etc.), metals employed in the working system and of resistance to severe working conditions (high temperatures, pressure, etc.) which they may face without causing stress and/or decomposition.
The product has been specifically developed for hydraulic systems requiring, for correct functioning, very high viscosity index lubricants with high mechanical resistance, low pour point, good anti-wear properties and thermal stability at high temperatures. Pakelo Hydraulic Synt H-0 ISO 32 transfers power with great promptness and uniformity lengthening life of systems even under severe working and ambient conditions. For the correct Viscosity Grade please refer to pump’s Constructor recommendation and ambient temperatures.
Levels of Performance:
The additive package used allows to satisfy, in mineral version, the following performance levels: ISO 6743-4 HV, Afnor NFE 48-602, ISO 11158, ASTM D6158, DIN 51524 Part 3 HVLP, Afnor NFE 48-603 HV, Parker Hannifin (Denison) HF-0 (Hybrid Pump), Parker Hannifin (Denison) HF-1 / HF-2, Eaton Vickers I-286-S / M-2950-S, Cincinnati Machine P-68 / P-69 / P-70, Afnor NFE 48-690(dry), Afnor NFE 48-691(wet), U.S. Steel 126 / 127 / 136, JCMAS HK, Bosch variable vane pumps, Rexroth RE 90220, Sauer Danfoss 520L0463, General Motors (LS-2) LH-03-1 / LH-04-1 / LH-06-1, SEB 181222.
Very High Viscosity Index synthetic lubricant for hydraulic systems also of the last generation with antioxidant, anti-wear and antifoam additives. High filterability, excellent fluency at low temperatures and excellent resistance to high temperatures and shear stress. (V.I. 170).
Pakelo Hydraulic Synt H-0 ISO 32 is a very high viscosity index lubricant formulated with selected synthetic oil base stocks, antioxidant, antirust, anti-wear and antifoam additives. Pakelo Hydraulic Synt H-0 ISO 32 thanks to its chemical and physical properties, has been designed for modern hydraulic systems also operating under severe working conditions.
The product provides the following properties:
- Very High Viscosity Index that enables minimum viscosity changes, if compared to common hydraulic lubricants, when the fluid is exposed to different operating temperatures;
- high shear stability: viscosity index improvers guarantee high resistance to mechanical stress and, during service, allow to maintain viscosities almost equivalent to new lubricant;
- low Pour Point enabling easy start-ups at low temperatures;
- high anti-wear capability to increase efficiency, life of pumps and the operating parts in the system; furthermore, the anti-wear characteristics are confirmed by a test made on a Denison T6H20C hybrid pump (piston and vane) to pass the severe Specification Denison HF-0 (new edition);
- very high thermal stability that allows the use in sealed hydraulic systems operating also at high temperatures and at high pressure without causing deposits and sludge;
- excellent oxidative stability that allows longer oil drain intervals and thus avoids early oil thickening;
- high hydrolytic stability which enables to protect the oil being used also when contaminated with small percentages of water;
- good demulsivity; the lubricant can easily separate from the water that could contaminate the system avoiding an accelerated process of oxidation;
- high filterability even with presence of water avoiding in this way obstruction of filter system and guaranteeing longer filter life;
- anticorrosion and anti-rust capability to provide efficientely the protection of all metallic components of the hydralic system;
- anti-foam properties to avoid the presence of foam and air that reduce system efficiency due to the compressibility ratio that is different from that of the lubricant;
- compatibility with gaskets and metals normally used in hydraulic systems.