Product Specs
Product Code:
Fields of Application:
PAKELO LM BRAKE FLUID is a brake fluid formulated in compliance with Automobili Lamborghini Standards.
The product can be used in previous generation Lamborghini cars and it is also suitable for last generation cars (equipped with electronic anti-lock and stability devices such as ABS, ASC, ESP/DSC) when requested a DOT 4 braking fluid. Suggested maximum drain intervals for Lamborghini cars are 30.000 kilometers or 2 years, whichever comes first.
It is recommended to follow these prescriptions.
Levels of Performance:
FMVSS N°116 – DOT 3 / DOT 4, SAE J 1703 / 1704, ISO 4925 Class 6, VW 501 14, VW Group TL-VW 766 Z.
High performance synthetic brake fluid developed in compliance with Automobili Lamborghini Standards for braking systems. Fully complying with DOT 4 brake fluids performance limits.
PAKELO LM BRAKE FLUID is a high performance synthetic brake fluid (DOT 4 level). Used as Factory Fill of Automobili Lamborghini braking systems.
Independent Lab Tests have shown PAKELO LM BRAKE FLUID provides dry and wet boiling points respectively over 335°C and 272°C. These characteristics help reducing the danger of “vapor-lock” phenomenon (steam bubbles that form in the braking circuit causing the dangerous and unpleasant situation of a “soft foot” brake pedal).
PAKELO LM BRAKE FLUID fully complies with the SAE J1703, SAE J1704 and FMVSS N° 116 performance limits specific of DOT 3 and DOT 4 brake fluids.
Even under the presence of humidity (absorbed through the flexible tubes and the brake fluid tank), the boiling point remains high and this characteristic further reduces the danger of “vapor-lock” even under wrong long lasting working conditions. The product provides excellent compatibility with gaskets used for the braking systems and avoids swelling. Furthermore, it provides high anti-corrosive properties for the braking system metals.
PAKELO LM BRAKE FLUID is characterized by a reduced compressibility at very high temperatures too. Such peculiarity guarantees both superior brake reactivity and optimal modulability of the braking phase.