Product Specs
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Pakelo Amfluid series has been developed to lubricate every kind of front fork and suspension system. It minimizes vibrations and provides soft functioning even under most demanding and long lasting working conditions. By choosing the right viscosities it is possible to cover every kind of application (also racing applications) in terms of ambient and working temperatures.
High performance synthetic fork and suspension fluid. Very High Viscosity Index product which provides low friction and long lasting properties. 5W
Pakelo Amfluid series has been developed to lubricate every kind of front fork and suspension system. Available in several Viscosity Grades, the products can lubricate every kind of shock absorber on the market.
Pakelo Amfluid series is formulated with highly selected base stocks that allow to get very high performance fluids with exceptional and steady efficiency even under the most demanding working conditions.
Pakelo Amfluid 2 is a fully synthetic fluid with the following characteristics:
- Very High Viscosity Index that guarantees very good fluency of the product during start-ups and allows steady efficiency in a wide range of working temperatures;
- use of very shear stable base stocks: even if mechanically stressed under the most severe working conditions the product keeps almost unchanged starting viscosity characteristics (see Sonic Shear Stability data);
- great control of foam in all types of air, nitrogen and argon filled systems; this parameter, in combination with viscosity stability, avoids “fading” phenomenon that can be experimented when working at high temperatures and/or under demanding conditions;
- presence of selected FM (Friction Modifiers) additives that allow to reduce friction within shock absorber sliding components: in this way working temperatures and “stick-slip” behavior are reduced and it is guaranteed a smooth functioning of the suspension;
- anti-wear characteristics that avoid wear and maintain great mechanical efficiency of the suspension;
- low volatility of the product thanks to synthetic base stocks used: this allows to keep suspension clean and it avoids sludge and deposits formation;
- balanced chemistry of the formulation to guarantee functionality of the suspension for its entire life while maintaining efficient sealing behaviour.